An Excellent Quality and Constant Advancement are what matter the most for Kaddoum Honey. Each batch of honey harvested from its beehives or collected from local beekeepers is tested in Kaddoum’s specialized laboratories to ensure all necessary control. The quality, taste, color, liquidity and clarity of the honey are examined before Kaddoum Honey reaches the market’s shelves.
Kaddoum Honey history and experience underlined the importance of providing the bees with the richest array of flowers and that of collaborating with beekeepers across all Lebanon’s geographical areas. In fact, shared experiences and the exchange of knowledge could not but enhance the quality of the honey.
Antoine Kaddoum acknowledges the richness of collaborating with other beekeepers, namely when it comes to identifying and classifying the varieties of plants, trees and flowers where his precious bees get their nourishment from as well as optimal production seasonal conditions. Capitalizing on the field’s best practices and traditions to ensure the well-being of the bees have hence become essential.
Given this context, and since Kaddoum Honey has placed sustainability and a healthy environmental cycle at the heart of its mission, Kaddoum Honey actively supports Lebanese small and medium beekeeper by collecting and buying their products. Determined to promote the well-being and health of honey bees in the country and thus to improve the honey production, Kaddoum Honey provides the sector’s beekeepers with continuous training and scientific knowledge. Such efforts and approaches fall in line with optimizing the processes as well as the quality and safety of the company’s honey.
Last but not least, Kaddoum Honey is a company that has its roots deeply entrenched in legacies and is proud of its heritage and its country. Therefore Kaddoum strongly believes that Lebanon, which is endowed with abundant and rich natural terrains, has probably the best quality of honey to offer to the world.